auxiliary truss câu
a truss
With floor slabs, they will act as a truss system.Với tấm sàn, họ sẽ hành động như một hệ thống giàn. Find out whether you have a trus...

If you don't, truss me up like a turkey..Nếu không, thì cột tao lại như con gà tây cũng được. With floor slabs, they will act a...

Impulse engines drawing power from auxiliary generators.Động cơ đẩy đã lấy năng lượng từ nguồn dự trữ. You want me to make a donation ...

cantilever truss
The original span is a cantilever truss bridge with a total length of 6,178 feet (1,883 m) and a main span of 871 feet (265 m).Cầu cũ l...

fan truss
Just like you can see from many roof truss types pictures, the Fan Truss comes with a very simple design and it’s made out of steel.Cũn...

fink truss
The Fink Truss usually offers economy in terms of steel weight for short-span, high-pitched roofs as the members are subdivided into sh...

howe truss
One thing that makes the Howe Truss extraordinary is the fact that it has a very wide span, as it can cover anything from 6-30m.Một điề...

pratt truss
An example of a double (duo-pitch) Pratt truss is shown below.Một ví dụ về một đôi (duo-pitch) Pratt giàn được hiển thị dưới đây. In a...

roof truss
In this particular situation, the trusses form a fink roof truss.Trong tình hình đặc biệt này, các khung hình thành một giàn mái Fink. ...

steel truss
The Quebec Bridge is a riveted steel truss structure and is 987 m long, 29 m wide, and 104 m high.Cầu Québec là một kết cấu vì kèo thép...

supporting truss
For the Pratt truss and any of the types of truss mentioned below, it is possible to provide either a single or a double slope to the u...

truss bridge
It was an iron truss bridge of 12 spans on stone piers.Đây là một cây cầu giàn sắt có 12 nhịp trên trụ cầu bằng đá. Which is world’s m...

wooden truss
"Luckily, the wooden truss that we were holding on to just went with the waves.“May mắn thay, cái kèo gỗ chúng tôi đang nắm đi được trê...

auxiliary activities
of carrying on preparatory or auxiliary activities for the enterprise;tiến hành các hoạt động chuẩn bị hoặc phụ trợ cho doanh nghiệp;

auxiliary air
Fire Services Department, Hong Kong Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force Hong Kong Police Force Government Flying Service (Hong Kong)Khô...

auxiliary battery
There is another smaller auxiliary battery (12 Volts), which powers the Prius computer.Còn có một bình điện nhỏ hơn (12Volts) cung cấp ...

auxiliary bishop
Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ is the Auxiliary Bishop of Adelaide.ĐGM Greg O’Kelly Sj, giám mục phụ tá giáo phận Adelaide. Auxiliary Bishop o...

auxiliary books
Auxiliary books of 1917 and 1918.Sách phụ trợ năm 1917 và 1918.

auxiliary bridge
The dial of the Hublot Big Bang Unico golf ball is a matte black ring with a central bridge and an auxiliary bridge that holds the 6 o’...

auxiliary building
The facades of the main civic centre auxiliary building and cultural centre are created with a grand colonnade.facades của các tòa nhà ...

auxiliary carry
Auxiliary Carry Flag.Cơ nhơ (Carry Flag).

auxiliary construction
692: Auxiliary construction practices692 Những ứng dụng phụ thuộc của ngành xây dựng Auxiliary construction practices 692: Auxiliary co...

auxiliary contact
Sometimes an economizer circuit is also installed to reduce the power required to keep a contactor closed; an auxiliary contact reduces...

auxiliary cooling
The air produced by these units is usually very hot and oily—difficult to clean and dry unless some sort of auxiliary cooling and filte...

auxiliary dam
The dam that collapsed is an auxiliary dam called “Saddle Dam D”.Công trình đã bị vỡ đập phụ có tên là “Saddle dam D”.